Join the event by clicking on the Zoom Button above on the 21st between 6:00pm and 10:00pm!
Zoom Meeting ID: 826 246 849
Meeting Passcode: Kirtan
Or: Look up our YouTube Channel for live streaming!
We are infinitely grateful and so happy to tell you that some of our finest 3HO musicians from across the globe are going to be participating, such as Krishna Kaur, Hansujot Singh, Siri Sadhana Kaur, Mata Mandir Singh, Prithi Nivas Kaur, Sat Hari Singh, Sat Kirin Kaur, Manu Om, Amrit Sadhana Singh, Kevin James Carroll, Guru Prem Singh and others.
We all know about the healing and projective capacities of music. Its effects are even stronger when combined with Mantras that have been sung and chanted by Yogis and Saints over many centuries. We`ll be able to experience this the actual moment we are open to allow the experience.
We are going to chant together Songs & Mantras of Peace & Healing, totally connect to these vibrations with our minds, feel them in our hearts and project them inside and out as a powerful community prayer for peace in this world.
Share this event with your Friends & Family & join us for this powerful experience on Winter Solstice Day for a continuous 4-hour chanting & meditation experience.