Yoga Fortbildung

Naad Yoga Master Class Series


Naad Yoga Master Class Series  12 - Week - Online - Experience with Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa (U.S.) Integrative Kundalini Yoga Special Training for Yoga teachers & trainers, therapists & amateur as well as professional musicians. The universe is in a constant state of vibration. This manifests to us as energy, physical matter, [...]

Naad Yoga Master Class Series2024-12-04T17:25:16+01:00

The Yoga of Aging


Den ‚Fluch des Alterns‘ in eine Million Lichtstrahlen transzendieren Integrative Kundalini Yoga Fortbildung für YogalehrerInnen, TherapeutInnen und Betroffene und ihre Angehörige mit Dr. Jivan Joti Kaur Khalsa (USA) View this Workshop Description in English. For Registration please click the button above. Sat Nam.  Im fortgeschrittenen Lebensalter tauchen chronische Verletzungen und Krankheiten irgendwann wie [...]

The Yoga of Aging2024-03-21T21:17:36+01:00
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